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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day old News, Day old Fish

We all heard about the big news that came out of the VMA's from Sunday. Kanye West had gone bonkers and jumped up on stage to hijack Taylor Swift's moment of glory. As shocking or annoying as that might have been, what disturbed me the most was that the stupid VMA's were not broadcast live.

Now correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know they were recorded on Sunday, and first telecast on Monday night. Why on earth wouldn't we want to see it live?

How pathetic is it that one of the few events on TV that might actually be interesting to watch because of some spontaneous outburst isn't live. How much more fun would it have been to have been surprised by all the wackiness. Isn't that what MTV is supposed to be about?

Since the whole thing is on a pay to watch cable channel, they technically don't fall under any of the FCC indecency rules. And of course since Washington is currently run by the Democrats, they wouldn't likely get so upset at some ordinary profanity or nudity the way the conservatives did in the Bush regime.

The bottom line is that MTV is an old, established business about as revolutionary as baseball. So they are more focused on perfect production, perfect presentation and perfectly scripted events, less likely to upset sponsors, and more likely to bore viewers. How more un-rock and roll can you get?

I say run the show live and let the characters act out. Let 'em curse, bare their nipples and insult the pope, the president and/or Taylor Swift.

I miss the days of the wild and crazy and zany video awards from 20 years ago. They wer much more fun, because they were live and out of control.

We all need more fun.

Oh yes, and Green Day was great. And so was Lady GaGa.


Blogger Amy said...

That was the best performance by Green Day in a while. It's like they remembered where they started. Much more hardcore!!

11:26 AM, September 17, 2009  

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