for December 25, 2002

Holiday Labor
by Your Diva, Robin Pastorio-Newman

Merry Christmas, if you celebrate Christmas. If you're Jewish, Happy Go To the Movies and Eat Chinese Food Day. If you're Moslem, aren't you simply glad Ramadan's not for another year? Of course you are, and make yourself a sandwich, please! Another holiday passing into so-last-week is the Solstice, an event we can all get behind. The days grow longer and while the weather's icky (that's the meteorological term) and we're broke, there's still half a year to wedding season, when we'll all be broke again.
It's the cycle of life, regular as car insurance bills though half as threatening. Your Darling, Your Diva, Your One True Love discovered this year we can buy savings bonds online. The form's a breeze. Bonds arrive by mail within days. The Favorite Auntie of a ravenous horde must shop realistically: by the time one acquires accurate measurements, the measurements are no longer accurate, and the Favorite Auntie risks aiding and abetting fashion crimes. Because you're so clever no one has to tell you how ephemeral clothing and toys are, and that student loans are forever. If you actually like that child, skip the Gameboy. Buy the bonds.
Speaking of planning for the future, the last two years have been tough and we've all done stupid things in the moment. If you're the resolution making type, why not resolve to live smarter? It's time to shake off the past and have adventures again. Life is short. The future is uncertain. Enjoy your holidays, and learn to love the suspense!

©2002 Robin Pastorio-Newman